The Magic Behind Large Language Models (LLMs).
Ever wonder what happens behind the scenes when you type a question into Large Language Model Systems like ChatGPT or Google Bard and you get an instant answer? It almost feels like magic, right?
Imagine you’re cruising through your favorite burger joint, hungry for some yummy burger. You pull up to the drive-thru window, and you speak into the intercom “I’d like a cheeseburger with fries, please, Thanks!” and by the time you reach the pickup window, your meal is ready to go.
That’s similar to how Large Language Model systems work. You give them a prompt or a text (your order), and you get an instant response (your meal). But how do systems like Chat GPT or Bard generate new text so fast? To find out, Check out our yummy video titled “The Magic Behind Large Language Models ”. Happy Learning and Happy Eating!